Data Download Documentation: ============================== The program dataDownload.exe can be used to download sensor data from the ServSensor. The output of the data downloaded is stored in a text file. The data output text file name includes the IP address of the host, port number, and sensor type being downloaded. For example, is the file name for the data output when downloading the sensor data from IP address Once the program is executed it will download sensor data from all sensors connected to the ServSensor. The data output that have been downloaded can be read into a spreadsheet program such as MS Excel. How to download data: ==================== 1. Start the program dataDownload. This program contains many command line options. To learn what these options are you can enter "dataDownload -?" from the DOS prompt. Syntax: ======= datadownload <-i ServSensorIP> <-p password> -i ServSensorIP The IP of ServSensor to download data from. -p password The password of the ServSensor (set or get community). -t Use local timezone for timestamp. -o Overwrite data if files exist. -? Display this usage information and exit. You will be prompted for any required options you did not specify. A typical command line could be: dataDownload -i -p public -o 2. The data output file called for example should be copied to a new directory for analysis. The filename contains IP address, port number, and a sensor type. This is suggested because the next time dataDownload is run it will append data to the output file. 3. Read the data output file into Excel. Excel will load the text input wizard. You should choose Delimited and press Next. You should then choose comma and press Finish.